


The most direct way to search is to begin from the top.

Click any of the drop-down arrows in the grey SEARCH box. Thisautomatically shows you what listings are available.

Once you've made your selection, scroll down and click theSEARCH button at the bottom. Listing results will appear inthe middle column.

To start a fresh search, just click the grey cross next to yourselection in the SEARCH box.


You can narrow your search in several ways.

New / Used / Demo
Select these boxes to look for listings that are new, used, ordealer demonstration models.

Year Range
Specify a year of manufacture. Listings that do not mention a yearwon't appear if you select this option.

Price Range
Choose your price range, from minimum to maximum.

Recently Listed
Select when the listing first appeared on the site.

Seller Location
Type in the first letters of a suburb / town, then click on asuggested location. You can also navigate a map by clicking the mapbutton on the top right corner of your listing results.

Refine your search further. This will show all listings within amaximum distance (from 5-100km) of the Seller Location.

Refine your search even further by adding words that appear in thelisting.


You may have the option of choosing from even more optionsfurther down, depending on your listing selection. For example,cars allow you to choose the body type, while trucks give you achoice of category type. These additional search options will varydepending on the type of product being looked at.